In the current economic climate many families are finding that their income just doesn't stretch as far as it used to. If it isn’t possible to increase your earnings via bonuses, overtime, or a second job, then a more frugal lifestyle can make money go that bit further. That said, frugal living does not always mean a lower quality of lifestyle. Frugal Family Living Freeing up extra cash ...
thanksgiving crafts – a guest post
Looking for some great Thanksgiving decor? These two crafts were easy, fun for the kids and are now my favorite Thanksgiving decorations. For the first project, I painted an 8 X 10 canvas yellow before starting. I like making the handprints on canvas because they hold up well. You could do this on a piece of construction paper too. I painted their palms & thumb brown & then each ...
affordable date ideas – a guest post
Date nights don't have to cost a lot to be fun & memorable. Here are a few fun affordable date ideas that are really easy to plan. Playing a game of cards using candy to place bets (leftover Halloween candy would be perfect for this!). Try taking a walk through the park and playing in a local playground. Everyone loves time to act like a big kid, right?! Plan a creative night ...
4 Easy Steps to Reduce Junk Mail – a guest post
4 Easy Steps To Reduce Junk Mail Who likes junk mail? Come on raise your hands….. No one likes junk mail! It is annoying to deal with and wastes time and resources. According to, “more than 100 million trees are destroyed each year to produce junk mail.” One of the easiest things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint and the junk that clutters up your ...
Creating a Mini Scrapbook Album – a guest post
Hi my name is Elizabeth and I'm thrilled to be guest posting for Nap Time is My Time! This is one of my favorite blogs for recipes and crafting. I am a Mama that stays at home with my three precious children ages 6, almost 5 and 2 1/2 years. My oldest started kindergarten this year so we are going through some major changes in our house - new routines. I am a ...
inexpensive date night ideas {a guest post}
Inexpensive Date Night Ideas My husband and I have been married for 24 years. For 18 of those he was in the Air Force. We have never had a lot of money and often look for cheap date ideas so we can have some quality time together without breaking our budget. Here are some of our favorite “cheap” dates (not all for night time but hey, take a weekend afternoon and enjoy ...