It’s Make Someone Smile Week at Teleflora!
This is the 12th year that Teleflora has surprised deserving – and unsuspecting – people with Teleflora’s Be Happy® Bouquet. Teleflora is giving away 30,000 of these bouquets to children in foster care, nursing home patients, Meals on Wheels recipients, and more!
I love that Teleflora is giving back to the communities where they operate by recognizing and honoring so many people. This entire event is made possible through donations – Teleflora donates the Be Happy® mugs, while florists donate their time assembling and delivering the bouquets using donated from wholesale growers.
If you want to give a smile of your own during Make Someone Smile Week, you can purchase a Be Happy® Bouquet for $39.95. Who will you make smile this week?
Disclosure: This sponsored post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. I was compensated for my time investment and work on this campaign. Thoughts are my own.
What a great idea! I am going to send one to my neighbor-her husband just passed away and the funeral home gaver her a really hard time about costs and were very tactless-thus deepening her pain. Maybe this will help bring a smile back to her face 🙂
What a fantastic bouquet! I love the vase as well- so bright and cheerful!