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Product Reviews and Giveaways
Emily enjoys reviewing products and looks forward to featuring your great products here!
Unless we’ve agreed prior to the product being sent, Emily will keep the product reviewed. While products are rarely returned to the vendor, at her discretion, the product may be given to a local family that could better benefit from it’s long term use.
Emily promises to write the review in a timely manner, typically within two weeks of receiving and using the product. If your product is such that more than two weeks of use is necessary for an effective review, we’ll work out those details ahead of time.
All product reviews are fair, unbiased and honest. If something seems defective or irregular about the product being reviewed, Emily promises to contact you before writing and posting a negative review. It is not her intent to post negative reviews.
Keep in mind, the most successful product reviews also include giveaways. If you would like Emily to feature a giveaway with the review, please do not send the giveaway product to Emily. Emily will contact you with the winner’s contact information and you will be responsible for sending the product.
If you are interested in Emily reviewing your product and/or offering a giveaway, please email her. Media Kit available upon request.