If you've made it this far without using traditional shampoo or conditioner, congratulations! Doesn't your hair feel so much softer and more manageable? I'm loving mine. Last week, as it was ...
2011 theme
the pledge: no shampoo or conditioner – week two
I don't know about you, but I'm not a big fan of toxins. Multiple studies link a variety of toxins to all sorts of ailments and diseases. I'm not sure how much I believe each study, yet ...
join the pledge: no shampoo or conditioner
Since The Boy was born - and even for sometime before then - I've been trying to rid my body and our home of toxins. I started with cleaning products. I don't use them any longer. Not ...
Wrench in my {menu} plans
After vacuuming the house today, The Texan told me that he's decided to go back on the Atkins diet to shed some pounds before summer...and before our anniversary in November. {He was successful with ...
Menu Plan Monday – 03.28.11
Self-high five as I {mostly} stuck to last week's menu plan! Woo hoo!Last weeks meals were oh so tasty, and the only thing we missed was the Scallops Mascarpone {again}, I'm putting that recipe on the ...
Everyday Things That You Don’t Need
I recently read this article about items we think we need, but can {probably} live without. According to the article, people spend hundreds of dollars on things they don't need. The items are:5. ...