Yesterday I talked about my discovering my superpowers as a Mom. This leads me to my need for extreme speed.
Sure, I love roller coasters and race cars, but I’m not talking about that type of speed. I’m talking about being able to complete my daily tasks quickly and get on to having fun!
There is so much laundry, cooking, and cleaning that it gets in the way of true quality fun time.
If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I love to craft and play games with The Boy. Some days, the fun gets in the way because I lack extreme speed.
How do you manage your day? What are your secrets for extreme speed?
This post was written as part of BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo January 2013 challenge. Today’s prompt was “As a superhero, would you rather have extreme strength or extreme speed?” Sign ups to participate in this month’s Blog Roll are closed. You can still check out the participating bloggers and the daily prompts. Daily writing prompts can often become a great source of inspiration and encourage you to write about things you haven’t previously explored.
I just kind of stumble through my day, trying to knock tasks off my list as they come. I do wish I had secrets for extreme speed though. I’d love to have some!
One reader commented that B12 is helpful for her, and another says that fresh fruit gives her energy. A few tips that I thought I’d share with you in case you’re interested!
Have a great weekend.
I’m anything but speedy! I’m very slow and laid back. I need to light a fire under myself sometimes!
My secret to speed is to take my time lol. Counter intuitive, I know – but I get more done when I remember to breathe.
That makes sense! If you’re taking your time, you’re more apt to complete the task at hand accurately. That will save you from having to go back and do it again.
Extreme speed is not really my “thang” but I’ve found the way I can get things done faster is to get the kids involved and make it a game 😉
I like to get my son involved with our daily “chores” – his new favorite thing is helping me to put the laundry into the washing machine and pulling the clean clothing out of the dryer. He’s a great helper at 3.5, I wonder how he’ll be at 13.5!
I do NOT have extreme speed. Also as a Mom, I feel like I get distracted so easy. I’ll start playing with the girls and then hear the washer cycle end or see dirt on the floor so I start to vacuum. There are a MILLION things to do around the house – extreme speed would certainly help get them done and MAYBE leave me a little more time to play!
I agree Lindsey – I’m easily distracted, too. Sometimes I have the attention span of a gnat.