When I found out that I was going to be a mother, I was so excited! At first, I could not believe that it was true. We’d only been trying for a few months, and The Texan was out of the country for one month, so I was very surprised to find out that I was pregnant shortly after he returned.
Ten things I worried about during pregnancy
And then my excitement turned to worry…about mostly silly things. The ten things I worried about during pregnancy, in no particular order:
- I worried if I would eat a balanced diet during my pregnancy. My biggest cravings were baked potatoes and hard-to-find orange cream soda.
- I worried about how much weight I would gain. I gained 26 pounds. I lost it all eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and breastfeeding.
- I worried if I would know how to properly bathe a baby. The Boy is fairly clean most of the time.
- I worried about my water breaking in the grocery store. That did not happen.
- I worried if I would be able to breastfeed. Yes! I did, and you can read about that here.
- I worried about having the safest car seat. At the time, we did! You can read about that here.
- I worried if I would take enough photos. Nope! I didn’t. I mean, how can you ever have enough photos of your kids? They’re always doing something fascinating!
- I worried about going back to work. I returned. I hated it. I got laid off, that was the best day ever.
- I worried if I had enough socks, onesies, and blankets. Turns out I did. We didn’t put socks on The Boy for the first few months, per our pediatrician’s advice. You can’t check the baby’s circulation if their feet are covered in socks.
- I worried about getting peed on, thrown up on, and bloodied knees. Thankfully, I’ve only dealt with the bloodied knees. Of course, the other two will probably happen tonight now that I’ve written about them!
What did you worry about during pregnancy?
This is part of series of posts titled Motherhood Mondays where I’ll be sharing my parenting experiences, tips and advice. If there is a specific topic you would like to see in the coming weeks, please email me with Motherhood Mondays in the subject line.
Ashley B. says
I worried about having a healthy child, about weight gain, about the financial stress of a child, about being so exhausted from being up all night that I wouldn’t notice if I ran out of baby diapers….the list could go on and on and on!
Emily says
I used Amazon.com for diaper purchases – and had them set to autoship through the subsribe & save program. It was great. No late night trips to the store, and it’s much more economical through Amazon (no impulse buys…if you’re using autoship that is!)
Kelly Hess says
Your comment about being thrown up on cracked me up! When I was pregnant with #1 I assumed kids threw up a lot and I was petrified of having to clean it up. When I now have a 6 and 3 year and they do not throw up that often, maybe one bad stomach bug a year and I handle it like a champ now, no issues, clean it up and move on. The most proud Mom moment, when my 6 year actually made it to the toliet in his last round of stomach bug. Such a proud mom in the middle of the night, I went back to bed smiling!
Emily says
That is great! My son has thrown up twice – both times on my mother while my husband and I were out for the night. Congrats to you for handing it – I have no idea how I’m going to react my first go around.
Forgetful Mom says
My biggest fear, while pregnant with #2 was them both being sick at the same time. I’ve dealt with it a couple times and I fear the next time it happens. I can’t give out enough hugs and cuddles as I want too.
Emily says
Yokes! I imagine that would be a tough one to handle! Isn’t it amazing how, as a mom, you can do things you never though possible? Being a mom is an amazing super power!
Dede says
Awww! I need to write some of my pregnancy fears down so that my daughter will have them when she becomes a mom. One of my biggest fears was that I wouldn’t love my baby. My younger brother & I didn’t get along well, and I somehow thought that would transfer to my child. So crazy! But of course, I love my children more than anything!
Emily says
I’m sure that the fear of not loving your baby right away is common. There are so many things going on during the pregnancy, it’s hard to relax and enjoy it.
Kecia says
Oh my gosh, yes! I had a mile long list of worries…about my nutrition, how was I going to raise a baby, if we had the best baby gear, etc etc. I actually had a dream when I was pregnant that I had forgotten to feed my baby for two days….so that really had me worried! 😉
Emily says
Yikes – two days?! Pregnancy dreams are so interesting, aren’t they?
Amy D says
I had a moment when I first found out I was pregnant where I felt just the overwhelming weight of the responsibility, it wasn’t anything specific, it just overwhelmed me to know that I was going to be responsible completely for another life that was going to come from me. I actually drove to the beach and sat for a few hours when I suddenly just felt better and just knew that whatever happened whatever concerns there were that it would be taken care of. I didn’t ever worry about anything specific after that and even now when I get hurdles thrown at us, I allow myself a few minutes and then I just know, somehow it will all be okay.