It’s difficult to say that your parenting style is all your own. As humans, we are influenced by those around us in every aspect of our lives. Whether we choose to adopt what someone else is doing, or avoid it like the chicken pox. I’ve been thinking a lot about how my parenting style has been influenced. Although I like to say mine is all my own, I know that it is a fine balance between my beliefs (eating organic and avoiding toxins), how I was raised (no spanking), and how I see friends raising their children(fast food every night? Not in this family!). The moms of The Mommy Mindset got together to discuss this issue. You should find our comments interesting.
Heather: Once I became a Mom I realized that my parenting style would be the “listen to your instincts” type. I love to learn from other Mom’s what works for them {and what doesn’t} but I’ve formed my own style for sure!
Valerie: I think working in preschool for 10+ years has helped me but I’m the type that gathers from all sources then I do what works best for me and my family.
Ghada: With my first I had a girlfriend who inspired me. She made parenting look fun and easy but at the same time was honest about the harder parts of being a parent. I made a conscious decision not to read too many parenting books. I think this is one instance where you really do have to trust your instincts as Heather says. If anything, too much info can be confusing. I had one book called the Baby Whisperer that had a few gems that helped me get my babies sleeping through the night. Other than that, it has been mostly about learning on the job! No one “style” defines me.
Darcy: My daughter inspires my parenting style. Everything I thought I knew before her arrival pretty much went out the window once she got here. I have to defend decisions to family more than I care to admit, but they aren’t the ones living here in my house 24/7!
Lena: I make the rules as I go. And I get sidetracked a lot. Whatever worked for my daughter, doesn’t work for my son. I can’t and won’t at the celebrities for parent advice, but I do pick little things from friends. The biggest things my mother taught me is to love my sister.
Ghada: So true about one child needing something completely different than the other even though they are siblings. I just try to be as responsive and consistent as I can.
Emily: My parenting style is all my own, at least that is what I like to think. Through trial and error, I have learned what works best for our family. And, like Darcy, I have to explain many of the choices that I have made to extended family members. Having different parenting philosophies can make holidays and family reunions uncomfortable, but I believe in what I do and I stick with it.
Who inspires your parenting style? Do you follow the lead of celebrities, friends, or (gasp!) your own parents?
This week, a big thank you goes out to Heather of Full Price? Never!, Valerie of Valerie’s Reviews, Ghada of Mama goes BAM, Lena of Way2Goodlife, and Darcy of Tales From the Nursery for sharing their parenting philosophies.
@MryJhnsn from iNeedaPlaydate says
I would say my mom inspired me to be a different kind of mom then she was and by that I am more hands on and always up for adventure. My mom was more of a home body.