All of the chatter surrounding the American Pediatrics recent recommendation that children ride rear facing until two is making me crazy. Let’s keep in mind that this is a guideline, NOT a deadline. Smaller children will, naturally, benefit from being rear-facing for a longer amount of time, while other children may reach a higher height or weight before age two.
We waited until The Boy was eighteen-months old to turn him forward facing. I only wanted to do that because in the car he was squished, yet in our SUV he had plenty of leg room. In hindsight, perhaps we could’ve turned one seat and not the other?
An important message is missing from all the conversations that I’ve heard: A child is safest when buckled into a car safety seat that has been PROPERLY installed in the vehicle. Rear-facing or forward-facing isn’t going to matter if the safety seat isn’t in the vehicle the right way AND if the child isn’t properly secured. For even more information on car seat safety, visit
Call your local police department and set up a time to have your safety seat inspected. TODAY.
Amanda says
1HecticMommy says
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Hope says
Hope says