September was a crazy busy month for me, and for my family. The Boy started an amazing Preschool program three days per week.
He’s really thriving there. The faculty and staff are wonderful, and I feel so fortunate to have them all in our lives.
When we enrolled him, I had visions that my days would be devoted to blogging, cooking, household chores, crafts, and connecting with friends. Then reality set in. My September days were spent packing and moving and unpacking. Sigh. There’s been no crafting, minimal cooking, and virtually no blogging.
It’s tough being a grown up. Being responsible and all that not-so-fun stuff.
I’ve used more bubble wrap in the last few weeks than I care to admit. But, happy to report that we only lost one (non-favorite) wine glass!
We’ve been living with boxes galore, and it’s wearing me down. The house feels like a house, not like a home. I’ll be thankful when the last box is unpacked and recycled.
My goal for this week is to get back into blogging daily, select a few giveaway winners, and get my house back together. I need to get back into my routine, I’ve been feeling stressed and out of sorts. Once again, I’m trying to do too much. Oh the joys of being a perfectionist.
How did you spend your September?
I am so glad that he is doing well.
Good luck getting back into a routine…someday I’ll get one too. My daughter won’t have a normal school week till next week, mid October. Crazy!
It’s tough, but this morning went well! One day down, let’ see if I can keep it going!