I Am
I am strong and loyal
I wonder how some people can be so rude
I hear a mosquito in my ear
I see a coffee frappe in my future
I want a long vacation in the Caribbean
I am strong and loyal
I pretend to be a Nascar driver
I feel the earth move under my feet
I touch the rewind button too often
I worry that I am not a good enough parent
I cry when I think about losing loved ones
I am strong and loyal
I understand the sky is not blue
I say the world needs more people like me
I dream that the world will be a better place
I try to shop local
I hope to start practicing yoga again
I am strong and loyal
Amy-Cape Cod Mommies says
Love your poem especially the final stanza where you dream of the world being a better place and that the world needs more people like you! Because it certainly does!!!
Emily says