I am fortunate to feel happy with the life that The Texan and I are creating together. Our journey started in Florida, moved us to Boston, and to our current home on Cape Cod. We have a beautiful, healthy, funny, smart, and imaginative child.
This week, my thoughts have drifted to those impacted by Hurricane Sandy. When I think of those people, I am even more thankful for my life. I do not want for a roof over my head, or clean water to drink. I do not have an empty refrigerator, or an empty pantry. I have plenty of clothing to keep me warm, and a vehicle to move me about.
And, then someone asked:
If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would it be?
The one thing that I would change would be the guilt that I feel for having all of those things. The Texan works hard to provide all of this for us. Yet I cannot help but feel guilty for all that we have, when there are so many without.
Our country is struggling economically, people are without jobs and without homes. And then came Hurricane Sandy. More people were left with nothing, after working so hard for so much. It saddens me deeply to know that the hopes and dreams of so many were swept out to sea in just a few hours.
As the recovery continues, my guilt will subside. But I will always carry with me the reminder that your life can change quickly, through no action of your own.
This post was written as part of BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo November challenge. Today’s prompt was “If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would it be?” Sign ups to participate in this month’s Blog Roll are now closed, but be sure to check out the participating bloggers and the daily prompts. Daily writing prompts can often become a great source of inspiration.
One thing I wish I could change about my life right now would be to have a partner in my life to share the every day stuff with. As a newly single mom, although it feels like longer because the emotional companionship and void has been there for 2 years now, I find myself wishing an awful lot for someone to just share my day with and have even the silent companion next to me in bed. I really miss that 🙁
As you heal the wounds of your broken relationship, you’ll have space in your life for someone new. When you’re ready, that person will walk into your life. You can’t look for them, they will find you.
I think for the most part, I’m happy with where I am now, but there are things in the past I THINK I would like to change.. but if I did that, would I be where I am now?? Not sure, so going back, I don’t know if I would change anything just for that simple fact..
That’s interesting, Gina. I’ve thought about that as well. If we were to change our past, it would alter the person that we’ve become. Every experience that we have, shapes us and teaches us something.
So very true! Things can change in an instant so we must be sure to say thanks for what we currently have!
I don’t think I would change anything about my life. Though I do wish there were more ways for me to contribute to my community and those in need. Like you say, there is that guilt that is felt for having more than others. Even basic necessities.
I just asked myself this the other day, “what if I had stayed in city x instead of moving to city y.” I guess I’ll never know.
I wish I could instantly get rid of the clutter … it wastes so much of my time, taking time away from the more important stuff. But nothing is instant … I just keep tackling it one day at a time.
I wish I made more money that is one thing I would like to change.
But if you did make more money Denise, how would that REALLY change your life?
Really I just want to eliminate some debt which would make me very happy. Making more money would certainly help this cause.
Agreed! More money would certainly help that cause! It’s tough to cut expenses, but every little bit counts. Even if it’s “only a dollar”! Best of luck to you!