Like many New Englanders, I feel that our winter season is quite long. Unlike many New Englanders, I enjoy it.
When the snow is falling, everything looks so peaceful. It is so quiet. Beautiful. Breathtaking, really. I love when the wind blows just enough to move the snow around like a mini-tornado on our lawn. I can sit at the window for hours just watching the beauty of Mother Nature unfold. And this winter, I got to do just that. We had several snowstorms, and a blizzard or two I believe. The Big City, that’s Boston, broke record after record this year. So far, this winter ranks in the Top 10 snowiest winters. Probably not so much here, as we are often “missed” by the snow, and receive cold, nasty rain instead.
A little lesson in Meteorology: We live on a {man-made} island, connected to the “mainland” by two bridges, three if you count the railroad bridge, and our island is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, Cape Cod Bay, and Nantucket Sound. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? Well, it is. Unless you’re looking for snowfall. You see, with every storm there is a “rain/snow line” which typically gets stuck over our house {at least it appears so on the radar} and changes everything to a wet slushy mess here. Then, the temperature rises, the snowflakes want to turn into rain drops because the water can’t stay frozen. When that happens, it makes the shoveling difficult and snowman building nearly impossible! Living on Cape Cod isn’t always glorious.
That was not the case today. It was glorious. I woke this morning to find beautiful SNOWFLAKES flying around our yard. A nice coating of the white stuff on the {brown} grass and in our driveway. “Yippie,” I thought to myself, “We’re going to really get some accumulation today!” I had visions of The Boy and I outside sledding and making a snowman. Maybe even a snow angel. Or some homemade snow ice cream.
Sadly, as I write this, my {brown} grass has returned, the beautiful flakes are a thing of the past, and there was no snowman built. Today was our best chance for snow until sometime in December. Time to go put the sled and shovels away until then.
How was your weather today? Were you the lucky recipient of accumulating snow? Did you have a bright, sunshiney day?