Last Friday, I shared with you lovely readers that my account was hacked. I feel that I use pretty strong passwords, and change them regularly. I spent the day changing passwords, getting locked out of the account I use to manage my domain, and being pissed off in general. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?
Excitedly, I thought the problem was resolved. And spread the good news that I fixed the problem.
A little background: the hacking/spamming seems to only impact the feed that is displayed in GoogleReader. Part of my fix-it plan was to follow my blog in GoogleReader, which I hadn’t done before. If you don’t follow your own, you may want to, in case this happens to you. Guess what showed up yesterday? Two items that were not posted by me, and do not link to my blog.
I spent all of my blogging time yesterday trying to get help for this. Did you know that there is no help for GoogleReader or Feedburner issues? Neither did I.
What I discovered on my own is that my feed is what is at risk. {I think.} The Italian crap showing in my feed as being posted by “admin” does not show up on my blog. I do not post as “admin,” I post as Emily. That’s my name, but you already know that.
This morning I deleted the accounts from my domain that are not necessary hoping this will help. Honestly, I am at a loss for what to do. I think my next step will be to change the url of my feed – and hopefully the hackers/spammers will no longer have access.
Until I get this mess figured out, please know that I do not speak or write in Italian – though I would love to do both. And those links showing up in your GoogleReader, posted as admin, are in no way affiliated with my blog.
Has this ever happened to you? What did you do to fix it?