Several months ago, I started a series called Motherhood Mondays. Through that series, I talked about choosing a car seat that works best for you, my favorite stroller and shared my breastfeeding ...
infant development
Easy Ways to Reduce Chemical Exposure in Your Home
Because living a non-toxic lifestyle is important to me, I partnered with TheMotherhood and their clients to write this sponsored conversation. I consider myself to be eco-friendly and conscious ...
music is key for development
Thank you to for making this post possible. If you follow me on Facebook, you may notice that The Boy and I take a music class together each Monday morning. We've been taking ...
easy RSV prevention tips
As the parent of a child who attended day care at a young age, I know full well about the risks of exposing a child to germs and viruses. When The Boy was six-months old, he contracted RSV. I had ...
World Prematurity Day and raising awareness for RSV
Are you a mom or a mom-to-be? The last few weeks of your third trimester feel like they last forever. It's common for moms to say "I am so ready for the baby to be here," but it is important to ...
Helping baby cope while teething – Motherhood Mondays
Helping baby cope while teething is a challenge for every parent. Should we reach for medication? Not so says the recent FDA warnings about benzocaine. In a society where people are medicated for ...