Aside from great content, as a blogger, you need to build your social media presence. It seems that new social networks are being introduced everyday. It's hard not to jump on the band wagon and join ...
Weekend Project: Painting a Chalkboard Wall
Last Christmas, we went to a fun holiday party and I spied an AMAZING chalkboard wall in my friend's kitchen. It was gigantic and nicely framed out with molding. She uses the chalkboard to keep her ...
DIY Pallet Art – A Map of the USA
This project has been a long time coming. I've wanted to create something with pallets for months, yet couldn't decide what and didn't have any pallets. Lucky for me, but the time I decided the ...
Whip It Up Wednesday – week 22
Welcome to this week's edition of Whip It Up Wednesday! I've truly enjoyed seeing all of your craftiness! Y'all are amazingly talented. One of my favorite things about blogging is connecting with ...
DIY: toddler adirondack chair with anchor decal
This post contains affiliate links Happy Thursday lovelies! Do you follow me on Instagram? What? You're not? Okay, go do it. I'll wait here. I have coffee. See, that was easy, wasn't ...
Easy Valentine Holder from Jeans Pocket
valentine-holder-jeans Easy Valentine Holder from a Jeans Pocket Hi there! This is Sarah E. White from Our Daily Craft and I’m so excited to be here. I don’t know about you, but I have ...