Welcome to this week’s edition of Whip It Up Wednesday!
I’m having a hard time believing the date on my calendar. Mother Nature teased us on April 1 – she delivered temps near 60 and bright sunny skies. Yesterday, I saw snow flurries. Today, while it is quite sunny, my thermometer is only registering 35. It’s hard to feel inspired to create when I want to crawl in a hole!
Last week, the UPS guy delivered a Silhouette Cameo!! I am beyond excited to play with my new toy, and am looking forward to my schedule slowing down a bit allowing me to do just that! Do you have a Silhouette? What’s your favorite creation?
Okay, okay. Let’s get on to the good stuff. It’s time to share your projects!!
Each week there are so many inspiring and amazing handmade projects shared! I love seeing all of them! Keep in mind that a handmade project is either homemade or made by hand – not something you’ve purchased. It includes recipes, paper crafts, sewing projects, decorating ideas, photography, furniture transformations and much, much more! This handmade linky party will be open until Monday at 2pm EST. I’d love it if you’d grab the button and include it, and a link back, in your post or on display it on your blog. Not required, but very much appreciated.
Thanks for hosting!!