It snowed {again} last night. The heavy wet stuff. Gross. I'm thrilled that it is FINALLY March, though. I do hope that by springing forward on Sunday, we'll leave this nasty weather behind! Sigh. I'm ...
menu plan
Let’s Eat: Menu Plan Monday
It's hard to believe that it's the eighth week of the year and this is only the second menu plan I am working on. Despite my pledge that I was getting back to menu planning, I haven't. I've been ...
Let’s Eat: Menu Plan Monday
I've been terrible about sticking to a menu plan. In my mind, we're having this on Monday, that on Tuesday, and something or other on Wednesday. But, the day arrives and we end up having breakfast for ...
Menu Plan Monday: Small Steps to Stay Healthy and Get Fit
How's your year going?! I can't believe that it's already January 5 and this is my first post. I enjoyed a nice two-week break and am excited for all that I have planned to share with you for this ...
Menu Plan Monday: Comfort Foods and Thanksgiving Practice
Last week, we enjoyed a lot of comfort foods. And it was comforting. Just what we needed to ease into the darker days. This week, I'm going to continue that trend. Who doesn't love comfort ...
Menu Plan Monday: Comfort Foods
How are you dealing with the adjustment to standard time? I really wish that I lived in Arizona so I wouldn't have to deal with this nonsense. The sun will set here today at 4:32PM. My favorite ...